They would cook and clean and stay at home looking after children and meet occasionally for afternoon tea
They would make sure dinner was ready for the husband and iron his shirts and lovingly polish his shoes for work and cater to his needs both in and out of the bedroom and bear his children and look after them.
I think the world has gone to pot since that all changed
What do you think?
Sometimes I miss the old days - the 1950s - when women wore nice flowery frocks, baked cakes and behaved well?
And the mothers little helpers were not the children.The Rolling Stones speak of this in their lyrics. Maybe the gals are worn out by now. Staying home, cooking, cleaning, aftrenoon tea %26amp; gossip are of yesterday, not now. Sorry to say but women have discovered the world outside the home %26amp; have learned that their financial income is just as helpful.
Reply:I miss the days when I lived in Fairyland, riding my unicorn and playing with pixies.
Oh wait, that wasn't real either ...
Reply:I'm glad women have been liberated because they can choose to live that lifestyle if they wish, and if not live differnetly.
Reply:i kinda agree, but women didnt have much rights then.
Reply:The 1950s were not like that for the vast majority. Women have *always* worked outside the home, because very many families couldn't afford anything else. Most still can't.
Reply:Ah, yes, but let's talk about what is expected of the MAN (in return for the 1950's housewife)!
I expect him to be able to put up a quarter mile of fencing after breakfast, but BEFORE lunch. He must be able to fix any car, truck, tractor, airplane, helicopter, or wind turbine.
I expect good carpentry skills as well, and strong sheds and shelters to be built at my request. He need to be able to install new electrical outlets where I need them, as well as install dishwashers, and tile the floor.
He should be over six feet tall, and able to make love like....well that's none of your business.
I expect him to buy a bundle of twenty, 7 foot steel fence posts at an auction, and pick them up and walk off to the truck with them.....a feat that shows such physical strength, the auctionneer actually stops in the middle of the next item he's auctioning and comments on his strenghth, and makes me blush by commenting to me, "That's your man!"
The man must be kind and have endless kindness for animals and small children. The man has to be willing to fight to protect me if needed, yet completely free of any petty insecurities, such as jealousy.
He needs to read as much as I do, and have a lifelong desire to learn new things and ideas.
In order to have me be willing to "submit" to his will and leadership, he must have proven himself capible of having my complete trust in his decisions. He cannot break my trust by lying, being sneaky, underhanded, or making bad decisions, especially major financial ones.
Of course it (almost) goes without saying he must be a good provider, and earn a good wage to be able to aford to keep a wife, house (and farm) in a 1950's lifestye.
In return, he gets a wife who's a fantastic cook (completely from scratch), is willing to look after hearth, home, and farm.
Someone who looks to her relationship and marriage with her spouse above ALL other people and activities. I iron the clothes, heck, I even know how to mend clothes....or even make clothes (and quilts) from scratch!
I don't polish his shoes, but I do apply the grease to make the leather boots waterproof...and trust me that stuff reaks to high heaven!
I don nice "frocks" when the occassion is right....heck I even wear the June Cleaver aprons ! No pearl necklace though...instead I wear a silver chain, with a silver locket, which has a lock of my husbands hair....the locket rests just over my heart.
Not only will I cook from scratch, but I'll even can food, and tend the garden (vegtable) and the orchard.
Remember though....a woman has ever right to CHOOSE how she wishes to live (at least in the U.S.A.). I CHOOSE, of my own free will to live a bit like a 1950's housewife (actually more like an 1800's farmwife, but with electricity), because I've found a man completely worthy of thise kind of lifestyle, and who returns my time and attentions, and puts forth just as much effort into the relationship as I do.
So I'm just currious, but what makes YOU think you are worthy of having such a wonderful and devoted wife? Do you believe YOU are actually worthy of such trust from a woman? What leadership skills have you ever shown?
Homesteading/Farming over 20 years
OMG your gay! LMAO! I supose you actually want a husband like mine, huh? Why do you even care if women are no longer the stay home June Cleaver type? Do you expect your male partner to stay home and take care of the house....or to go out and be an equal wage earner?
Reply:And when blacks were viewed as less than human compared to whites? Ahh, what a lovely time.
None of what you wrote really happened. "Leave It To Beaver" is not an accurate discription of how things really were. Turn off your TV and open a history book.
Edit: Oh look, it's my thumbs down fanclub.
Reply:I think women's lib changed all that. Men don't treat women like they did in the '50.
Thanks to women's lib, women want to be treated like men.
We ARE EQUAL--equally important.
Thanks for nothing Women's Lib! ;( ♥
I don't know where you people with "women couldn't get an education...." my GRANDMA went to college. Women just had different interests in those days.
This topic infuriates me! and what is so degrading about raising children?? that's the next generation that will someday be president! Leave that job to a nanny that sometimes cant even speak english?? sheesh
Reply:u sure r some jerk!!! y should it b the guy deciding what the woman does-u sound like u think of a woman/wife as a maid-someone who just does their job...ho about the guys making the women their lunches and the guys cleaning up after the women...
but then i dont understand-if women want equality, why do they suck up to all the guys-trutting on their heals, women go through way more uncomfort to impress than men, if we're equal why can't women just be themselves???
Reply:So get a maid/nanny. What is the difference.
Reply:you must be very old
hm, you're gay. how confusing. you want to live in a time when gay sex was illegal?? (i'm presuming you're a man here). and how do you know what went on between husbands and wives? i'm guessing you got all the above from some romantic novel!
Reply:I don't know if you lived in the 1950's. I didn't, but I studied it enough in history class to tell you that this stereotype wasn't true for most people.
Reply:I don't think I would mind doing that, with a few stipulations. I get to pick the car, I pick out the house, I can buy new appliances when I want them, and new furniture whenever I want. if he can support these, then ok, we'll talk about me being the housewife. otherwise, I'm working, and he's making dinner!
Reply:I LOVE cooking and cleaning! I don't like kids much though............ If my husband made enough money I would totally stay home
Reply:But back then sex was considered a dirty act and not dirty in a good way. So your shirt would be starched but your sex life would be terrible. At the same time I would love to stay home,work and leave all the stresses of life to my husband as long as he provided well enough for me to hire a maid,nanny and cabana boy j/k
Reply:yeah. and they would leave notes in your lunchbox with 'i love you' or 'have a great day at work'. now, they leave notes but instead of the nice notes its 'make sure you pick up the dry cleaning or no blowjo* tonight' or 'if you dont make that sale and i have to wear that 2 week old gucci dress to your damn mothers again then im leaving you, you lazy bum'.
Reply:Well, good sir, probably because women decided that their needs are just as important as their husband. I think a life where one's only goal is to bear children and please someone else sounds very unfulfilling. Isn't it a bit unfair to request full obedience?
On a lighter note, most women still bake. Praise be to Allah for their sweet, sweet cupcakes :3
Reply:I suppose they also wore pearls and high heels while cleaning house.
Reply:My grandmother's husband became an abusive alcoholic who beat her and terrorized their children. She stayed in an abusive relationship because she didn't know how she would be able to support her 5 children, being a woman in her mid-late 30's with no education or work experience.
We tend to look at the past through rose colored glasses. The 50's wasn't perfect. It was a time of great economic prosperity, but it was also a time of great racism and sexism, when people were being lynched in the south, and when it was perfectly acceptable for a man to rape his wife whenever he wanted to.
Reply:I'm alittle confused if you are gay then why do you care what woman did in the 1950 and also you would not have the freedom to live your lifestyle so why the walk down memory lane?
Reply:Quick, everyone, run for cover!
He's gonna self-destruct!
Reply:It still exists just look for the right women at the right places provided that you are the right type of guy worthy of any of them. A relationship is alll about give and take so if you want to recieve you'll have to give because if she gives then she deserves to recieve.
Reply:Yeah, back when we didn't have a say in politics and barely got an education. That's why it's different now. We have opinions, ideas, and choices.
Reply:Tough luck Charlie. Well-"behaved" women are overrated. If you want a maid who will lovingly do your laundry and shine your shoes, you get to pay her. Good luck with that nostalgia thing you have going on though. Hope that works out for ya.
Reply:Well, as far as I can judge, most men nowadays want their wives to go out to work and earn money, they don't want women to be stay-at-home wives. However, if a stay-at-home wife is what you want, then I daresay you can find plenty of women who are willing to do that, there are still women who like the idea of being stay-at-home wives.
However, I wouldn't necessarily expect her to be such a paragon as the one outlined in your description. I am a stay-at-home wife for instance, but I don't iron my husbands shirts (he prefers to do his own) and I don't clean his shoes, which I regard as his job (he's never asked me to clean them anyway). i'm not particularly fond of wearing flowery frocks either, though I do have a few that I put on in summertime (my husband likes something with a neck he can get his hand down easily).
Not all women are totally dedicated housewives even when they do stay at home - I have a lot of interests of my own for instance, and tend to spend quite some time pursuing them, I am on the computer at this minute for instance, rather than doing cleaning.
Even in the fifties housewives had other interests apart from their husbands and families - there were women's clubs for instance where women used to meet to discuss subjects of interest to them. and I remember from my own childhood, in the sixties, that all the stay-at-home wives in our road used to be in and out of each other's houses quite a lot, drinking coffee and talking, not exactly knocking themselves out doing housework.
I think you need to remember that marriage is supposed to be a partnership. It isn't just about having someone cater to your needs, it's catering to hers as well. Your wife has needs in and out of the bedroom, and you need to think about those. Just because she is a stay-at-home wife won't mean she doesn't have a mind of her own, or needs of her own.
I think the people who say that women couldn't get an education in the fifties are talking rot, all girls went to school in the fifties, and many went to college.
Reply:I think you have a naive and nostalgic notion of life back then.
Reply:just how old are you? i my self could not really say i was not there.
Reply:Yes, very polite - quietly quietly with the tranquilisers... :-)
skin tone
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