Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My bestfriend now thinks I'm gay? (I know it's long but please answer)?

First my family thinks I'm gay and now one of my bestfriends.

I used to be a chav and I got into police chases and everything until I met Charley(my exgirlfriend) and then I stopped hanging about with guys completely, got together with her twice, she dumped me twice for being too old for her(I'm 15 and she's 12 going on 13) even though she asked me out both times. Me and Charley are still bestfriends and always have been but seen as I only hang about with girls now I'm gradually getting pretty girly, actually I'm very girly now, not make-up girly or fashion girly, I'm not metrosexual, but just girly, I like getting involved in girl talk, I like hanging about with the girls, I watch girly programmes and sitcoms, I enjoy chic-flicks, romantic comedies, I read things like Jane Eyre, things that put accross women being equal to men, I take the girls side in alot of things and I find guys and what they talk about completely boring and unbareable to listen to.

Now my family were the first to pick-up on this and have almost all labelled me gay because I'm apparently too girly and now my mates are picking up on this too, and Charley and my bestfriend Steph also now thinks I'm gay and also they think I like girly clothes, now this isn't girly, I've never worn this but it sits in my room and I love it:

A black blazer, a mint green shirt with matching tie, black trousers and black polished shoes.

Also, at my Youth Club we're doing a, how they've called it Tranny Day to raise money for a Transgendered Support Group in the local area and we've got to pay so much and come in the clothing of the opposite gender and I was telling Charley abou this and she said, 'Well, you should have no trouble then'. What the hell is that supposed to mean? Am I really that girly?

Just to make it very clear I'm not gay, it would take a very feminine looking man to turn me on(and I mean they would have to look completely like a girl to do so and I would have to not know they were a man).

I've only ever fancied woman and I only ever will do.

By the way if you didn't pick it up, I'm 15, Charley's 12 going on 13 and Steph is 13 going on 14. Most my mates are a little younger then me as I'm friends with all of Charley's friends, and they're all usually her age and I'm friends with a few of Steph's friends.

My bestfriend now thinks I'm gay? (I know it's long but please answer)?
as for me its just fine right now but i ve learned before that if someone is thinkin of something day and night even thought if it was unreachable his brian will work inorder to achive it...i mean each act that man will do will help him to achive what he is thinkin of and its called by the hidden mind just becareful and just dont think about it like its somethin important...and i told u before that i act like guys around my friends i just like it and so do they....and i used to fight with guys ALOT when i used to be just a little sometimes u can be little bit from the other gender ...itsnot biggie!!
Reply:Are you SURE your not gay? J/K. Now, about the outfit in your wardrobe, the fact that you know what shade of green your shirt is causes me to doubt your testimony. NO straight man should know the color of his shirt is mint. It's green. Or it's light green. And those are all the colors straight boys should know. Maybe your friends are turning you gay. Or maybe they're just mean and pointing out your girlyness. Or, maybe your just the REALLY, REALLY rare occasional effeminate straight guy. In that case, my condolences, because people are always going to think your gay. And, then again, maybe you should stop watching Lifetime and reading Cosmo. But thats just my opinion.
Reply:Ok, calm down.....

So ya feminine, so wat!

everyone different.

**** what everyone else says, YOU no ya not, that's wat matters most

Reply:I have known a lot of gay people in my time. Some of them (though not many) were a complete surprise when they came out, others, I knew when they were very young (one as young as seven!), though it took a while for them to come out. Generally, at your age, if you had gay tendencies, you would probably know by now. If you haven't, then you are more than likely straight. So what if you like girly stuff, so what if you take care of your appearance and enjoy chick flicks and the classics. You are intelligent and interested in loads of stuff, and have made a wise decision turning away from criminals, there is more homosexuality going on inside young offenders places and prisons than there is in your school trust me!

Forget labels, be what you are and who you are, you clearly enjoy female company and interests, this does not mean that you are gay or transgender, anyone who says otherwise is proving how ignorant and ill educated they are. Clearly you are not. People will make up their own minds anyway, whatever you do, so you would be wasting your time trying to prove otherwise. I get the feeling that if you were gay, you know you would have enough support around you to comfortably come out of the closet. You obviously are not doing this, which in itself proves that you are not gay. If things change later down the line, then you will have to deal with that then, as fifteen is a little too young to be certain. There are plenty of very straight men who are more in touch with their feminine side and enjoy girly chats and femal company. Just be you, your friends will accept this and stop trying to second guess you all the time. Sure you are unusual, probably more so up North, but down here in London, someone like you is not so rare, and would still be called gay for a while, until people reaslised that they were not. That's people for you.
Reply:Look, who you hang out with and what you are interested in doesn't mean that you are gay or transgendered, and people are shallow if they believe that.

They only believe that you are g/t because you fit in with the stereotype of gay/trans people, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't carry on hanging out with the people you like to hang out with. I know alot of guys who have 1 or 2 girls as their best friends and you will notice that in stories, there is often 2girls and 1 guy.

It really isn't anything to worry about, but if you want people to stop thinking you are gay etc. then try getting a girlfriend and really publicise the fact that you've got one, eg. saying to your mates that you are hanging out with your gf so can't come over or holding hands in town. You get my drift?

Good luck, hope it all works out!

Reply:woah!!! its not that unusual, i had a very friend who was very feminine (hung out with girls and generally acted girly) but he wasn't gay he is just made that way. So men are very feminine but are not gay. There is nothing wrong with like being with girls, cause i mean we're great!But, men normally talk a load of rubbish to other guys about boring subjects (often girls) or don't talk at all! So you must be intellegent, and like interesting conversations! Jane Eyre is not that girly, my english teacher is man (not gay) and enjoys reading it. I'm reading it at the moment and its not particularly romantic.

You are yourself and everybody is different, you're obviously not some stereotype boy, and unique.

How is your outfit gay? It sounds quite smart, but not an every day thing though.

Don't worry about your friend charley and steph talk to them and tell them your not gay. If they are your true friends they will believe you. If you worry that much, get in touch with some of your old (boys) friends and meet up with them and what you would normally do with them. Proove you are not gay.

Good luck and don't worry! :)
Reply:All that matters is that you're both under the age of consent right now, so no canoodling.

There will also come a time when you'll be over the age of consent and she will still be under it, so you need to understand that you'll have even greater responsibilities to behave like a man and keep it decent with her *at least* until she's old enough. And then, preferably, not to rush in to anything.

There is nothing wrong with being homosexual, so long as it only happens between consenting adults, but there is a whole world of wrong in a man (if only be legal age definition) harming young girls.

The rest is all pretty irrelevant; bent, straight, it should only matter to you, so long as you behave like a man at all times and not some hormonally supercharged guppy.
Reply:This doesn't sound useful but maybe u should just try %26amp; ignore them, it will bother them more if u ignore their comments.....don't worry so what if u hang around with girls %26amp; like to watch girly films? i was called a lesbian...(I'm Not one) becoz i did not have a boyfriend %26amp; becoz i was not acting sl*tty, i mean all the girls in my school like to be "touched up" %26amp; give the impression that they are "easy". Me i dress trampy (that's what my friends say anyway) baggy tops, baggy *** bottoms etc... but i don't listen to their comments,i dress %26amp; act how i want to.

I think some of the other answerers have made valids points.

marshalminxtk3 xxx
Reply:Try getting a very hot girlfriend or mabye watching porn (or women in bikinis), or just always act sexually attracted to girls!!!
Reply:I'd say it doesn't matter what your mates think. As long as you are comfortable with who you are and you hang out with the people you want to hang out it, it shouldn't be a problem.

Be yourself. Enjoy life.
Reply:Hello, I think there is no answer to your question, because there is not even a problem.

I am sure you are not gay, if you think you are not, and IF you would figure out some day that you are, it wouldn't be a problem anyway.

I don't think you are transgender, because if you would be, you would know it, as the desire to be the other sex is big, i think.

But to come back to your main question, you are not happy with being too girly, probably because it does not conform the usual social norms. Because of this you want to change?

There is no way to change your behaviour, you can try to hide or surpress your feelings though. But I am sure you know that this is NOT a good Idea.

"BE YOURSELF" is the only advice I can give you.

And: There is nothing wrong with you. :o) DON'T WORRY!!
Reply:Ohh there's a few boys like this who go to my school.

Gradually, everyone becomes more like the people who they assosiate with- don't worry there's nothing wrong with you and there's not much doubt that boys get called gay for being best mates with girls.

Hold your head up high and be you!
Reply:So your a feminine guy, there are masculine gay guys. Its all steriotypes. Your only gay when you like guys. And you dont like guys AT ALL! And you're only 15, just say your hyper and really happy. It seems most kids in high school in those tight tight pants are kinda girly. But if the guys call you gay, just make fun of yourself about it. When you dont care, then they wont have fun making fun of you anymore.
Reply:I could not be bothered to read all this.

All I wanted to say is 'remain yourself and those who are true friends will remain so. What the others think is of no importance whatsover!'


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