Sunday, March 14, 2010

My this friend okay or is it wierd he is doing things with her?

my grandmother is in a nursing home...i have a retired grandfather who is into gambling...decent house..and he has like no friends or hobbies. he is 74 and i am his only best friend. we do everything together. i was supposed to spend the day with him a few days ago but he said he was busy. he has been so called busy all month and i began to ask him what is was busy with. he said things like: polished shoes, bought clothes, saw grandma twice. he normally sees grandma eavh day and me each day. today he came over for like the first time in 2 weeks and said he saw a movie with Pat a girl that works at the beauty salon my grandma went to a few years ago. he went gambling with her monday, shopped with her, ate dinner with her like four times and is too busy to see me. i am not only mad he replaced me but i am scared. i hav never met her and she is only 30. what should i do to break them up or what do you think she is doing?

My this friend okay or is it wierd he is doing things with her?
Since ur grandma is in a nursing home he is probably feeling lonely. Most likely they are just friends but they may also enjoy their company so much it can turn to something more. You should talk to him and ask him whats going on...make sure to ask him about how he feels about your grandma. Dont get mad at him or make him feel bad, you should let him enjoy the rest of his days. Later you should meet that 30 year old women and analyze her make sure she is not using him. After all what you want is for your grandpa to be happy. Look after him.
Reply:She is probably after his money! He is flattered by the attention of a much younger woman and is lonely since your gm is in a nursing home.

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