Sunday, October 11, 2009

I asked this question in the military category, most sided with my former drill instructor, so i will ask.....

our belove LAW enforcement officers. (notice i capitalize the word "law") so please be fair. it was during Marine Corps boot camp, one of my drill instructors gave us a suprise belt buckle inspection. most of the other recruits belt buckle was shiny but i forgot to polish mine and to make matters worse, it fell in my shoe polish! lol. so he told me to go in the whiskey locker (a large closet) and he entered also. he asked me 3 times why is there shoe polish on my belt buckle and i told him 3 times "no excuse sir!" when i started to answer him the 4th time he grabbed my throat. i couldnt breathe. he asked me, "why are you so f%cked up?" and he punched me very hard in the mid-section. this was a total illegal act but the military category said the drill instructors actions was justifiable. you all being LAW enforcement officers please tell me how you feel about the illegal actions my drill instructor took? and why the big deal over a lousy belt buckle?

I asked this question in the military category, most sided with my former drill instructor, so i will ask.....
---No drill instructor may physically assault any trainee under his control. Article 93 of the uniform military code covers this:

---Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)


Any person subject to this chapter who is guilty of cruelty toward, or oppression or maltreatment of, any person subject to his orders shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.

---I placed a URL to the UCMJ section in the source box.(a)

---There are numerous examples of recent cases of drill instructors being arrested for this. I have placed a URL in the source box (b) for a search result page with case examples(b).

---This is something your senior drill instructor should deal with and if not then the base commandant or the chaplain.

---Now understand that this is based on the assumption that what you said was the absolute way it happened. However if you are a constant problem wit a lot of history causing trouble then you may not see the joy out of this that a good soldier who has been abused would.

---However NO instructor may legally do what you described.

---The belt buckle IS important because YOU are in training to learn obedience and to act to orders. In combat because YOU don't think keeping your rifles ejection port cleaned is important, or YOU get bored covering a seemingly quiet corner can get others killed.

---This whole problem could have been prevented by you doing what you are supposed to do when you are supposed to do it.
Reply:If you don't understand the why's of this even if you are in you are no real Marine. Sure it was wrong and could have been reported...... but you should understand the deal.

I think that was probably what those in the military section were alluding to. It was wrong but you probably needed the bump in order to say "get it". If you are doing well now you should actually be somewhat thankfull.
Reply:i dont think the instructor putting his hands on you is justifiable but thats the military. ya'll are supposed to be put together, locked, loaded, and ready. i dont think its the buckle itself, i think its because of your failure to obtain an order.
Reply:Stop being such an effin baby. That's how boot camp is. My Drill Instructor grabbed my throat and slammed me against a pillar because I ****** something up on field day. wow... If you don't understand why things like that happen then I can't help you.
Reply:It's probably not too late for you to jump in to the race for the Democratic nomination. You sound like a strong leader. Now drop and give me twenty.....if that's not too many!!
Reply:That falls under the Uniform Code of Military Justice Article 128 Battery, if they choose to enforce that law.... Sorry, LAPD not USMP
Reply:If you cant take getting roughed up...GET OUT OF THE MILITARY...

You sound like all the whiners that say...I joined the military for the benefits...but I dont want to go to war...sorry it comes with the job...
Reply:Son, didnt you get the speech about your body being the property of the US Army, and you are only being allowed to take care of it for the Army?

He attacked you to break you down. That is what boot camp is for. The break down all individuality, then rebuild you into a soldier.

Technically, what he did was wrong, and technically illegal. However, you are covered by military court, not civilian court. Fat chance there will be any repercussions.
Reply:Are you out of boot now are you a proud Marine i do not think so we have a Marine RTO in our group (Army) and he has similar story's about getting knocked around we even have a former Marine now Army that has worst story's from 1980s boot camp lol you know there is no way to get back at this DI with out proof

You should have joined the Army Basic is lax these days i know went tru in 06 and DSs would not touch us:)

I am sorry no Marine i have ever known would ask this kind of Q i think you are a Troll good story it is realistic


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