Saturday, October 24, 2009

What do you think of a man that carries a bag 20lbs every night to work?

work eight hrs at a sit down job this bag contains a brush comb hairspray deoderant inkpens mouth wash toothpaste and brush fingernail and toe clippers nail file chap stick foot powder scissors eyedrops a knife screwdrivers flashlight pliersneedle and thread spoon/fork shoe polish hemorroid cream q tips razor 365 days a year oh take away off days is this normal men mainly oh there is no room for lunch lunch in seperate bag this was the lunch bag i don't know what to call it do you

What do you think of a man that carries a bag 20lbs every night to work?
I think he took the Boy Scout motto "Be Prepared" to an obvious extreme. This also sounds just a bit obcessive/compulsive to me... but then I'm no shrink. At least it's harmless... until he starts packing an UZI and planning how to get even with his boss and co-workers.
Reply:OCD. Who takes half that crap to work? That's 9 kgs for the more modern of us.
Reply:Sounds like someone with a survivalist attitude.
Reply:wow do you really need all that?

It sounds like you're making your work a second home.
Reply:i say he was overly prepared


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