Saturday, October 24, 2009

Do you know that so called Cannabis Soapbar or Eurobar is mixed with all kinds of toxins?

Soapbar can contain dog droppings, Toulene, Benzine, shoe polish, and a host of other lethal products? It is mixed with these ingredients to bulk it up for increased profit. Please research what you smoke and don't buy, sell or use Soapbar. It usually only contains very small quantities of poor quality cannabis and is dangerous to your health.

Do you know that so called Cannabis Soapbar or Eurobar is mixed with all kinds of toxins?
thats why i smoke weed ...but if it was legal none of this wold be happening because there wouldnt be be made ...people could grow there own and then they know what theyre smoking
Reply:oh believe me they do have a clue ..they used to issue it to soldiers during the vietnam war... it didnt used to be illegal.. neither was cocaine the 20s ... i can only see the reasoning behind it being kept as illegal.. is power orientated...and revenue too ... thanks 4 points take care Report It

Reply:Grow your own.
Reply:Thanks, I'm allergic to cannabis as it is anyway
Reply:keep it green
Reply:Duh, so buy the good stuff
Reply:imagine that mass produced products with impurities.
Reply:don't smoke that gear, just smoke the grass, ya man!!
Reply:Try looking at the ingredients to your coffee-mate. This stuff sounds way better for you.
Reply:just like cigarettes
Reply:Hey, if it helps off a few pot-heads, then I'm all for it. Evolution in action.

Reply:Thanks for the info on that.
Reply:God, I know, i can't imagine polluting myself with all that, makes me feel sick to think about it... I have nothing against the pure stuff, but that, no way.
Reply:It smells like solder flux. Stick to the green.
Reply:i used to swear by resin, until i chucked my guts up on some very salty crap. only smoked skunk ever since.
Reply:yeh alot of poorquality resin does contain crap. Thats why its best to smoke grass.
Reply:One of the reasons it should be made legal. If it was regulated by the government, people couldn't mix harmfull things in with it.

small business

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